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Webtalkradio presents The Best of How to Live A Fantastic Life

Jan 31, 2023

Burnout is a real problem for businesses and today we’re going to tackle it head on with one of New York City's leading burnout experts Cait Donovan. She hosts a podcast and wrote a book about burnout but she’s also an acupuncturist with a master's degree in Chinese medicine. This is going to be fun!


Guest Bio:...

Jan 26, 2023

Situations occur in our lives all the time that cause tremendous grief. Today Kelli Nielsen is going to help us map out a pathway toward a better way to understand and deal with the pain of unresolved grief and trauma.


Guest Bio: Kelli Nielsen helps families who’ve lost loved ones turn their pain into purpose....

Jan 24, 2023

Today we enlist the services of a Financial Advisor. Jonathan DeYoe is going to help you increase Your Happiness Dividend.


Guest Bio: Jonathan DeYoe is the bestselling author of Mindful Money: Simple Practices for Reaching Your Financial Goals and Increasing Your Happiness Dividend and has led a Bay Area wealth...

Jan 19, 2023

Why do some people scale right to the top of their pyramid, reaching seemingly unreachable heights while others struggle? Dr. Kumar Mehta has done a great deal of research on this and he’s going to explain it on today’s show.


Guest Bio:

Dr Kumar Mehta is author of the book, “The Exceptionals” and the Amazon...

Jan 17, 2023

What makes your heart sing? For Nora Gold it’s writing. She’s here to talk about the importance of getting to know yourself, what works for her when it comes to being creative and how to adjust our attitude and our mindset to accomplish our goals.


Guest Bio: Dr. Nora Gold is a prize-winning author. Here latest...